Happy New Year! I’d like to introduce you the new and hip Natuba!
Taking into consideration that it’s 2008, most of us (if not all) have cell phones with cameras. Many of us (if not all) use our camera phones to take quick snap shots of food, people and unusual sightings. We love to sneak pictures of our new baby nephews, our first real attempt at cooking and the surprise candid moments of our friends. How can we not? Having a tiny camera inside of our phone has got to be one of the most entertaining aspects of owning one (unless you have internet access).
The unfortunate reality of all this is that the pictures we gleefully take rarely make it out of our square phones. Most often than not, the only instances that any picture will be shared is immediately after the picture is taken, when you’re with a posse of pals to recap the event or any other situation where your phone is within tangible reach. If you take an awesome picture, wouldn’t you want to share it with your friends (or even the world)?! It would be a waste to leave a picture like this on your phone:
So what can you do? Natuba it! Natuba is the place to store all your cell phone stuff. With it, you can easily upload the pictures from your phone and send “shouts”- fleeting thoughts that you’d like to post up on the web aka text messsages. Once you create your account, you can share your personal link with your buddies so they can see all your exciting mobile pictures! *ta da*
That is quite an interesting concept, I will check it out. Is this your own startup?
It’s a great concept – lots of fun too.
Is it my startup? ha – I wish! Natuba is a product by Hush Labs. 🙂