Wow. You have a cool website. I remember you were going to do some kind of web thing. Wow. My website stinks, and I think they took it down also. Other than that, I just have Xanga, which I don’t use. This thing here is set up like Engadget and io9 which I would love to have on some kind of feed delivered to my iPad which I don’t have yet. I’d add your site to that feed too since it looks pretty cool. Good job. Way-to-have-an-awesome-website.
Wow. You have a cool website. I remember you were going to do some kind of web thing. Wow. My website stinks, and I think they took it down also. Other than that, I just have Xanga, which I don’t use. This thing here is set up like Engadget and io9 which I would love to have on some kind of feed delivered to my iPad which I don’t have yet. I’d add your site to that feed too since it looks pretty cool. Good job. Way-to-have-an-awesome-website.
If you want any help setting up a blog/website, let me know! I’m more than happy to help out!
Also, hope you’re doing well. I haven’t talked to you in ages! =)