Power outlets at the airport. Each station has about 4 outlets and showcases a Samsung phone. I'd say it's a pretty good marketing effort. =D
My Overdue SxSW 2009 Blog Post
It has been weeks since I was in Austin for SxSW and I am now, finally getting the chance to share my experience. Shame on me. I should have had something up within a day I got back, but I had to catch up on all the things I had to put on the back-burner. Major kudos to those who blogged about their experience each night. I was having too much fun and being fully absorbed in SxSW (and bumping into Gary Vaynerchuk). =P I still can’t believe I got to meet him! I kid you not, it was like meeting the Jonas Brothers. Never would I have ever thought that I had the streak of teeny bopper in me to do the whole wave your arms and scream frantically thing…but I did. I surprised myself. I’ve concluded that meeting Gary is the highlight of my 2009. =D
Before I go too off topic, here’s a little video I made to sum up what SxSW was like for me this year. Can we say awesome?