I love me some Michael Bublé. What a stud. =D
Back In The Game
It’s been awhile since I’ve actually spent some time to share my thoughts on my blog. It’s not because I haven’t had any thoughts I wanted to share, but mostly because I had too many and couldn’t decide which one to start with. There have been a couple of instances where I would start a post with the intention of it being a paragraph long or so, but I look up only to realize I’ve written way more than I wanted to and couldn’t end it abruptly, ’cause I’ve gotten too deep into explaining something and cutting it short would leave me deeply unfulfilled. Sadly by this point, I’ve run out of time to finish my post, which would lead me to save it as a draft and pretty much never come back to it because when I do, I’ve lost that momentum for hammering out things to say.
Tangent: Hmm, I just had a realization that this probably explains why I did well with very short essays and very long ones in college. It were those essays right in between that would drive me nuts.
My point in the above rambling? I’m going to *try* to be better at updating my blog – in frequency and succinct thoroughness. =)
My Swedish Furniture Name is…
“Living There, You’ll Be Free If You Truly Wish To Be”
The above quote is from the original Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. There’s something wonderfully magical about this line (and the movie itself). It doesn’t matter how old you are, watching this movie makes you feel like a kid and brings back all those free-spirited imaginations we used to have. I love it.